Here are the two things that I came away with from this experience:
1) The #1 rule of thrifting: Always, ALWAYS try something on. (Unless the store makes you feel itchy just by standing in it.)
2) I got what I can only describe as, "Thrifter's Arm." I spent the entire day carrying around and sifting through clothes. No pain, no gain.
Let's jump right in!
Happy Valentine's Day? Maybe? All I can assume is that this is something that was produced for people who don't know what to give their lover. Look at that face though, those eyes look downright terrified! (Side note: From a practical point of view, as someone who has worked with ceramics, why was the foot included? It's wholly unnecessary... I'm overthinking this beauty.)
There were a ton of these strewn about. You could have bought a nice set. Does anyone remember this? It seems vaguely familiar. Still, I like the idea of asking myself, "Do you want a Diet Pepsi?" and my rational self goes, "Fuck no, diet soda is nasty!" but my cup says, "Uh huh."
I got very excited about this teapot (which is probably a coffee pot, given its shape). Looking at it now, after seeing about a million teapots it has lost some of its allure, but it's still sweet.
A rather good ceramic thing. I'm a sucker for crackle glaze. But what would I put in it?
I remember these are a kid. Sadly it didn't have a ceramic rabbit inside so that, as a 6 year old, you'd finish your mug of milk only to find a animal smiling back at you from the bottom as if to say, "Well done! You'll grow to be as tall as Michael Jordan, with bones of steel!" (Ability to dunk anything other than cookies may vary).
Mug on left: Would totally go with mugs from my last post. Mug on right: Sooooo 90s! There were plenty of each. When the 90s comes back in full effect you'll all be begging me to nab these for you. Duh.
I like these cozy mugs, you'll just have to put up with my obsession.
I hate the motif around the lip, but the shape of this creamer is lovely.
The blue one felt like buttah in mah hand.
Love birds. This proves that a thrift store is a viable solution to the gift problem.
Design decisions fascinate me. Would this work on any other object?
I love ducks, but I SWEAR I took a photo of a modern mug at a Tuesday Morning location with these exact mallards!

This was amazing. I saw this, laughed, took a photo and thought, "This won't sell..." When I went to check out, someone had it in their cart. Hope lives puzzle form!
Whelp, I guess God decided that heeding this plaque was unnecessary...
I saw this guy in Walgreens over Christmas. I think you throw balls in his mouth. I see no balls here, but was damn tempted to pick him up for the lols and the bear collection.
This almost took the "WTF Cake." Stewie's eyes just weirded me out so much... Why did they decide to print him this way?
Rule 1. And yes, I bought it.
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