Friday, July 3, 2015

Goodwill Apopka (7.2)

Stopped because I was in the area and hoped to get that cropped sweater and to get a photo of the safety pin dress. I couldn't find either item. I guess that's why Goodwill employees get on the loudspeaker and remind shoppers that items in store are usually one of a kind and disappear. It's true, but I figure if something disappears it was meant to be...I have to think that...otherwise I'd kill my self. 

The theme of the day seemed to be, BOOTS! All kinds of boots, but mainly, cowboy boots.

I love these. However, at $12.99 I wasn't about to invest...that's outrageous for just about anything at a Goodwill. (Save for maybe the gown I found for $14.99 in Leesburg, but that thing is black tie ready).

Something for the ladies.


And hooker! 

But also a beer mug. 

I loved the feel of these greenies.

And these greenies.

More mushrooms. 

And more strawberries. I'm starting to really like these pieces.

Love those spoons. I wish I could have touched these for the sake of my synesthesia. 

NINE-TEEEEES! This is pretty awesome though. Check Minnie Abdul over there. 

Someone could rock this.

I rule oned this princess headband. Almost walked out of the store with it on my head, I guess it looked normal on me. 

I tried this on, too small, like the safety pin dress. They even looked similar, but the fabric on this was great too...

Wolves and deer. Righteous. 

I haven't done a WTF in a couple posts. Let me remedy that: 

A rather femme, "no smoking" sign and a huge eraser, "for big mistakes"...because the only way to politely ask a woman to extinguish her Virginia Slim at your tea house is with a flowery, ceramic sign and a huge, catty eraser isn't insulting...

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