I I noticed this place the other day while driving down 19 towards home. I decided I wanted to visit it, the Cat Rescue place (again, in case that beaded thing was still hanging around) and Frugal's (a vintage shop that I'd visited once ages ago, but didn't really investigate. I wanted to see how they decided to price their clothes and what they had to offer.)
I had never been to Orphans' Rock. It looked as if a residential property had been repurposed for thrifting. It's a fairly typical set up that works well. Most often each room has its own theme, which works for me. This one had a stuffed animal bathroom upstairs... Plus, an open air barn out back.
I checked out clothes first, just in case there was something I had to have for my shop.
You'd be the belle of some ball in this.
I've been looking for a pair of these, in red, since I was introduced to, "The Young Ones" several years ago. I wanna be "Wik."
This guy wouldn't stop looking at me...
I've been waiting to see taps in a thrift store. *mind drifts off to her dance years*
Arsenic and Old Lace.
Aw yeah, here come the sequined/beaded 80s blouses.
Get it Dorothy, get it.
Blanch, you saucy minx!
Holy beaded dress Batman! I feel like this is a female MC Hammer outfit.
Beaded, embroidered pants. I actually kinda liked these, though I think I should just make my own and see if my boss allows me to wear them at work. I know, I'm an antagonistic brat.
Ladies and gents, this marks the first time I've ever seen assless chaps at a thrift store and I used to thrift in San Francisco. What am I saying, of course there wouldn't be any there!
Where remote controls go to die.
...and where crockpots go to die...
Plus an ice cream maker or two...

I need to open the ASPCC: American Society for the Provention of Cruelty to Crockpots.
I almost bought this because I'd wear it...yeah...I'm that weird.
The only way to take a self portrait.
A bathroom full of tchotchkes. The horse and dog made me smile.
:-D The happiest of kitchenware.
I love the idea of decorating with knives...in the bedroom...
The mustard!
I have a couple of bottles like this for picnics, but these are so cute. UNGH!
I can see how this glass was manipulated and that pleases me.
*steals all of this for her cottage in the woods*
White elephant gift. I almost grabbed it for that very purpose. I'd love to give this as a gift.
For grape juice only...at the Brady house...
In my mind this was full of candy that had melted together and hardened into one giant globule of sugar. Miners spent weeks using picks to carefully scale away the mess.
*gasp* Candy mines! *GASP* Candly lung!
Colored glass.
I like the house shaped bottle.
I've seen better mugs, but these are passable.
I have an olive obsessed friend. I almost got this for her.
Love the pug on that crock.
That mustard colored thing is to die for.
This was my favorite kitchen piece.
Can't leave you without a WTF:
Someone donated this... Think about that...