This is just random stuff that I've done in my own time.

This has a weird story... I know it's not the best thing ever, but there's something about it I like. I found several plastic easter eggs in the Weston House quad, one had a tiny yellow chick in it, the others had W.W.J.D. (What Would Jesus Do) bracelets; I found six. I wanted to dye them black so that I could wear them. I coated each in black ink as they sat on a piece of paper, when I went to move it, the bracelets shifted and this was the out come.
This was both meant to be a Valentine's Day image as well as a T-shirt. Yeah, I's off...but I did this without reference one day while in the worst class I've ever taken: Survey of New Media Arts. Gouache background with graphite lady. (I have since been asked TWICE if I'm going to finish it...thanks...) (Ink it, etc.) (I have also since been asked who I work for, a little more complimentary.)
This is a block print I did for my mom's old job. The hope was that it would be made into a postcard... I don't know if this will happen.
This I drew for a friend. I based it on him but made him a child. He was a culinary major at his community college and then came to SCAD for animation. We worked on a stop mo project together. The background is lame, but I love how he came out.
This came from a joke that my alter ego was a super hero named, "Arachna-tit." A woman who could "F*** a man in half." It's all wonky but it was the first drawing I had done after a dry spell. (Though art school teacher you a great deal and would seemingly be inspiring, it can also be very taxing emotionally and creatively).
the work is so varied it is like looking at work from several different and unique artists.
"Jack of all trades, Master of none."
I really like the California Republic block print--such a nice distillation of that well-known image.
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