This is a collection of school work I'm proud of (not including animation, I'll see if I can dig that up).

This is my maquette for little, "Me." I just turned this in today for a 96/100. Though both the professor and I could agree that it still have some rough spots, it turned out really nice.
This is a maquette I made for Stop Motion II class. I named this little one, Xoie. (The reason why this maquette is colored is because in Stop Motion you use a maquette to work out all of the details before building a puppet, while in 2D Animation, you paint a maquette matte gray so that you can see how light hits the forms, thus making animating that much easier. I need to sand mine to both clean up the rough bits as well as make it matte).
Here's a photo of Xoie that I took with my cell phone...
This was the original character concept. I "cuted her up" by making her a little rounder and a little younger looking.
This was drawing for Layout Design. Fully rendered drawings made with blue animation pencil is an interesting experience. I know that the shirt isn't perfect, etc., but I like this doodle a lot.
This was the original Character Turn-Around for little "Me."
This is a gouache painting I did in Color & Design at AAU. Had I really kept my paint application consistent, this could have gone into the AAU Student Show.
This actually did make it into the AAU Student Show. My teacher said that this was the most original Repeat Pattern project she had ever seen. She also marveled at the fact that unlike the other students who masked off their work with Frisket or Tape, I freehanded it. (Don't worry, I used a ruler to loses place things but beyond that... I just went for it.) I was not awarded any prizes but out of several thousands of students I was one of maybe 20 students to be shown.
This was the original concept doodle for Mr. Bear, "Me's" friend.
This was the final Character Turn-Around for Mr. Bear. My professor and I agree that I should push this because we really think there's something hiding underneath these drawings.
This is Mercedes Bends, Japanese Pearl Diver. The side view is realllllly weird, but I still like her. This is the Japanese Noh based character I mentioned in my last entry. I didn't realize I categorized it as such.
One of the poses for the first "Me."
Here I was seeing how I could push "Me's" original design.
Another example of "Me" and "Mr. Bear."
The final turn around for "Me." Not perfect but much better. I hand inked this in...I want to say...under an there are imperfections (I am out of practice) and her freckles smudged on the straight-ahead pose.

The Great Warrior. A found object puppet for Stop Motion I. From top down: feathers, head is a pencil sharpener, wings are earrings, bit on forehead came from an eyelash curler, one eye has a cog from a can opener around it, the other has a weird cog thing I got at Home Depot, shoulder adornments are buttons, red fabric cape, the chest plate from a fakey Ken doll, an old watch courtesy of MacD, the skirt was made from a black and white striped purse that had fallen into disrepair, I used a hole punch for the alternating black and white dots, one arm is made from two chicken bones I found and a Ken hand, the other arm was one of Ken's arms with a Dremmel tool hand, more of the black and white purse for the arm band, hair roller shin guards and portable ashtray feet. Few...what a mouth full.
This is the first Character sheet I ever made. This is Dag, he's a Duckbilled Platypus. Though a little odd, I like him. You can see the Disney influence here.
This I did for Perspective for Animators at AAU. Though I used a Photoshop filter on this, the original's fun too. Values need to be pushed, etc. but I feel like this is a fun location.
At AAU our 3D Design class was spent sculpting the figure. One of our last projects was to sculpt a head from a live model. Though this looks very little like the model we were lucky enough to have, it was my first try at sculpting a head and unlike everyone else's, mine actually turned out looking semi-realistic. My professor, however, didn't seem to like women even though she was one, and decided to give me a C for the class. So disappointing...women hating women...