I've been bad and haven't posted as I go, but there are still plenty of goodies.
Goodwill: Apopka, FL

Goodwill: Apopka, FL
The chicken eye.
I can taste this elephant's fear.
This was a suede sweater.
Rooster caw!
I just thought someone composed this in such a quiet way.
Really nice glaze.
I have no idea if I'm lovin' it.
I need to eat more soup.
And more cheese,
Someone could really make a collection out of duck/bird mugs.
It's too sweet!
So much fun.
I don't understand the popularity of this...
Almost a Brown Betty.
Burger shaker.
What does this mean?
I remember this being a big motif as a child...or variants thereof.
This might be the large version of the mini one I found in Eustis.
I need a ship.
More salt and pepper.
Everyone needs a disgruntled looking cat on a stone in their home.
Solid metal. I would have purchased it, but the paint job was awful and clearly not original.
Goodwill: Eustis, FL
We're off to a good start.
Did this sort of thing actually hang in people's homes?
Shhh, they're conversing.
This thing is so crazy, I love it.
Ashtrays are odd, the subject matter is so varied.
So that last Campbell's soup thing was the first I'd seen of its kind, then I find them again.
That face unnerves me...
Cowboy themed glass.
Dig the stitch.
Life Changing Ministries Thrift Store: Eustis, FL
If it weren't $12...
Yellowstone is happening.
I ended up nabbing these for myself. I've been looking for bowling shoes for 15 years; save them dollars.
For my palace.
Fun stuff.
Old crock-pots were fun.
Dated, but great.
Christian Home and Bible School Variety Shoppe: Eustis, FL
No matter what I did, I couldn't rotate this image. Anyway, did I not tell you that ashtrays are weird...?
I almost got this for etsy, but it didn't have all of its bits. I think you probably could have made stuff with what was left, but mainly it's that photography.
Reminds me of the 90s.
Goodwill Boutique: Winter Park, FL
I'm tuned into this stuff because my mom has a set.
Great sweater.
Well this is sad...
The new Goodwill: Mount Dora, FL. I missed the Grand Opening because I was busy as heck, but I finally made it over there today.
Men's horse shirt.
To go with a throwback.
Reminds me of leather.
Fun mugs.
Is this a heating tray?
Love these, I can imagine an adorable kitchen stocked with this sort of thing.
I've not seen pots like these before, note the quad handle on the red pot.
This is amazing, and yet it isn't my crown jewel.
Nothing says, "I love you" like a computer shaped vase full of flowers.
I thought this was sweet.
I wanna make tiny casseroles in these.
I always wonder if things like this are worth anything.
Or this...
I wouldn't make fun of this, but I have a friend who told me that a friend of his volunteered at a Goodwill. The boy was told he could take one thing for free. He chose one of these. Goodwill apparently wouldn't allow him to take it because they wanted to create a display of items that were examples of things NOT to donate to the Goodwill...and yet...here we are.
Oh god, that's cute.
Good candle.
Ok, THIS would hang in someone's house.
Sorry for the quality but this, my friends, is a Magic Eye POSTER...
...and THIS is a fake bonsai...
Most fun pillow I've seen in ages.
Goodwill: Leesburg, FL
*trumpeting trunk*
I want gay breakfast.
I'm a sucker for this sort of thing.
Pirate mugs?
I want to plant in this.
Can't drink from these, I'm gluten free.
I want sun-tea from these.
Reminds me of my grandma.
This, without a doubt, is the best piece of all of the visits. It's pretty much the best of anything I've ever SEEN. (Goodwill: Mount Dora). I almost bought it, and in retrospect I probably should have, but holy shit this is amazing. I mean, think about it, was this in a gift shop nearby? What's the story here? I can only be good.
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