Yeah...I apologize if any of this crap offends ya.

This guy haunts my freakin' dreams man...
I overheard someone say this in a Carl's Jr. in Sunnyvale...
True story folks... I think I broke my toe. Colin kept saying, "It's no big deal" and poking me to distract me from the pain. Finally, after screaming for a full five minutes and declaring that it felt like my toe was giving birth to pain, he told me to draw it. Then he said, "If it's not giving birth to pain, what is it giving birth to?" Well duh, puppies! Toe puppies.

This came out of the usual discussion about dancing. You know how it is.
Colin was like, "Use my pen." So I did...
I'm such a bitter old broad.
I like scribbling. I think the one on the right looks like Liza Minelli...
This is probably the best thing I've ever drawn. I think it's going on my resume/business cards. I'm serious.
Cutest Ever Pig. I loves his feets.
Where you get that 'stache man?
I dunno, I've done a similar doodle. I guess I just figure maybe this is going somewhere.
I love this freaky thing. Colin said, "OOPH, it shouldn't be!" I think it should.
Are you coming to my monstah pahtay?
YIPES! *sorry for the boobs*
Tell it Mr. Dog.
Kinda a silly drawing, but I thought it was fun.
This is one of the best doodle pages I've ever least I think so.
Oh Mr. Dodo, you are looking rather dapper.
Colin owes his brother $Horse Dollars.
...well I am...sheesh...
Another true tale. Went to the Starbucks in the Castro that's known to be a Bear Cruising site and I saw a shavey headed bear carefully wipe his head with a bandanna.
"L" is for "legs."
"Why, Mr. Bear, what troubles you so?"
Had Dim Sum for the first time...don't know how I lasted 26 years without eating it somewhere... Anyway, this resulted, because this is the totally normal response to Dim Sum.
Hella Dangerous.